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    Bushbaby In Depth Pet Care Bushbaby Basics Average Lifespan: Up to 25 Years. Diet: Fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as a healthy quantity of protein, are required everyday in captivity. Eggs, protein biscuits, fruit, and vitamins make up the majority of our diet. Daily treats like as graham crackers, fig Newtons, raisins, or dates can be offered. Baby Diet: Babies suckle from their mothers or are fed simulation milk, similar to human baby formula, if they are hand-reared. This aids in human connection and later life management. Size at Adulthood: Approximately the size of a small rabbit, weighing 1-4 pounds. Minimum Cage size: Large parrot cages are preferable; I prefer twin macaw cages with multiple nest boxes and hammocks for sleeping and climbing. Caring for a Bushbaby in Captivity



    Bushbaby Basics Average Lifespan: Up to 25 Years. Diet: Fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as a healthy quantity of protein, are required everyday in captivity. Eggs, protein biscuits, fruit, and vitamins make up the majority of our diet. Daily treats like as graham crackers, fig Newtons, raisins, or dates can be offered. Baby Diet: Babies suckle from their mothers or are fed simulation milk, similar to human baby formula, if they are hand-reared. This aids in human connection and later life management. Size at Adulthood: Approximately the size of a small rabbit, weighing 1-4 pounds. Minimum Cage size: Large parrot cages are preferable; I prefer twin macaw cages with multiple nest boxes and hammocks for sleeping and climbing. Caring for a Bushbaby in Captivity



    Coati In depth Pet Care Coatimundi Care and Facts ​ Average Lifespan: 15 Years ​ Diet: Fresh fruit, cooked chicken, eggs, bread, Purina dog chow, and primate monkey biscuits are some of the foods we feed our coatis. They eat meat protein and are carnivores. ​ Size at Adulthood: Males are larger and heavier than females, weighing on average roughly 10 pounds. Minimum Cage size: Outdoor cages can be as large as 5'x10' or even more, while indoor cages can be as small as 3'x4'x8'. They appear to prefer the outdoor cages since they are more spacious and allow them to bask in the sun. In both cases, the bigger the better.



    Fennec Fox In-Depth Pet Care Fennec Fox Basics Lifespan: Up to 12 years Diet: Small rodents, insects, birds, eggs, and rabbits make up a Fennec Fox's natural diet. Half a cup of Blue Buffalo cat food kibble, chicks, raw or boiled eggs, fruits like apples and bananas, insects, mice, and raw meat make up a captive diet. Chocolate, fruit cores, artificial sweeteners, and grapes are forbidden to Fennec Foxes. Feeding your Fennec Fox twice a day is recommended, as overfeeding can cause major health problems. Free-feeding your young fennec fox is not a good idea. Portion sizes should be used when feeding. Size in Adulthood: 9-16 inches long and about 3 pounds.



    Fennec Fox In-Depth Pet Care Fennec Fox Basics Lifespan: Up to 12 years Diet: Small rodents, insects, birds, eggs, and rabbits make up a Fennec Fox’s natural diet. Half a cup of Blue Buffalo cat food kibble, chicks, raw or boiled eggs, fruits like apples and bananas, insects, mice, and raw meat make up a captive diet. Chocolate, fruit cores, artificial sweeteners, and grapes are forbidden to Fennec Foxes. Feeding your Fennec Fox twice a day is recommended, as overfeeding can cause major health problems. Free-feeding your young fennec fox is not a good idea. Portion sizes should be used when feeding. Size in Adulthood: 9-16 inches long and about 3 pounds.



    Fennec Fox In-Depth Pet Care – buy fennec fox Fennec Fox Basics Lifespan: Up to 12 years Diet: Small rodents, insects, birds, eggs, and rabbits make up a Fennec Fox’s natural diet. Half a cup of Blue Buffalo cat food kibble, chicks, raw or boiled eggs, fruits like apples and bananas, insects, mice, and raw meat make up a captive diet. Chocolate, fruit cores, artificial sweeteners, and grapes are forbidden to Fennec Foxes. Feeding your Fennec Fox twice a day is recommended, as overfeeding can cause major health problems. Free-feeding your young fennec fox is not a good idea. Portion sizes should be used when feeding. Size in Adulthood: 9-16 inches long and about 3 pounds.



    Kinkajou In-Depth Pet Care Kinkajou Basics Lifespan: Up to 25 years Diet: They should eat banana slices, apple slices, and monkey biscuits as babies. Add 1 to 2 scoops of baby food (banana, apples) and some milk to this mixture. Do this at least twice a day.



    Kinkajou In-Depth Pet Care Kinkajou Basics Lifespan: Up to 25 years Diet: They should eat banana slices, apple slices, and monkey biscuits as babies. Add 1 to 2 scoops of baby food (banana, apples) and some milk to this mixture. Do this at least twice a day.



    Kinkajou In-Depth Pet Care – kinkajou pet Kinkajou Basics Lifespan: Up to 25 years Diet: They should eat banana slices, apple slices, and monkey biscuits as babies. Add 1 to 2 scoops of baby food (banana, apples) and some milk to this mixture. Do this at least twice a day.



    Lemur In-Depth Pet Care - FEMALE LEMUR FOR SALE Lemur Basics Lifespan: 10+ years Diet: Leaf eating pellets and assorted fruits make up a lemur's captivity diet. The biscuits can be soaked in fluids (watermelon, apple). Bananas, apples, oranges, sweet potatoes, fiber sticks, and other high-fiber, low-starch veggies can be fed. Fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and seeds. Chocolate, fruit cores, grapes, and artificial sweeteners are forbidden to lemurs.



    Lemur In-Depth Pet Care – FEMALE LEMUR FOR SALE Lemur Basics Lifespan: 10+ years Diet: Leaf eating pellets and assorted fruits make up a lemur’s captivity diet. The biscuits can be soaked in fluids (watermelon, apple). Bananas, apples, oranges, sweet potatoes, fiber sticks, and other high-fiber, low-starch veggies can be fed. Fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and seeds. Chocolate, fruit cores, grapes, and artificial sweeteners are forbidden to lemurs.



    Marmoset Monkeys- The Basics in Pet care Marmoset Care and Facts ​Average Lifespan: Up to 20 Years ​Marmosets consume fruits and vegetables as well as commercial marmoset food. Adult Size: Less than a pound Minimum Cage Size: You may keep your marmoset in a reasonably tiny cage as long as they get plenty of activity outside of it. In terms of cage size, the larger the better. Yes, they require enclosing! You must be able to confine your marmoset to their own space, whether for their own safety or otherwise.



    Marmoset Monkeys- The Basics in Pet care Marmoset Care and Facts ​Average Lifespan: Up to 20 Years ​Marmosets consume fruits and vegetables as well as commercial marmoset food. Adult Size: Less than a pound Minimum Cage Size: You may keep your marmoset in a reasonably tiny cage as long as they get plenty of activity outside of it. In terms of cage size, the larger the better. Yes, they require enclosing! You must be able to confine your marmoset to their own space, whether for their own safety or otherwise.


  • The fennec fox (Vulpes zerda) is a small crepuscular fox native to the Sahara Desert and the Sinai Peninsula. Its most distinctive feature is its unusually large ears, which serve to dissipate heat. The fennec is the smallest canid species. Its coat, ears, and kidney functions have adapted to the desert environment with high temperatures and little water. Also, its hearing is sensitive to hear prey moving underground. It mainly eats insects, small mammals, and birds. The fennec has a life span of up to 14 years in captivity and about 10 years in the wild. Fennec Fox For Sale  

    Fennec Fox For Sale

     The fennec fox (Vulpes zerda) is a small crepuscular fox native to the Sahara Desert and the Sinai Peninsula. Its most distinctive feature is its unusually large ears, which serve to dissipate heat. The fennec is the smallest canid species. Its coat, ears, and kidney functions have adapted to the desert environment with high temperatures and little water.

    Also, its hearing is sensitive to hear prey moving underground. It mainly eats insects, small mammals, and birds. The fennec has a life span of up to 14 years in captivity and about 10 years in the wild. Buy Fennec Fox

     The allure of owning a fennec fox as a pet is understandable. These Chihuahua-sized canids are distinctive in their appearance as well as being a true fox species that is smaller than the iconic red and grey foxes that are native to North America. Foxes are likely one of the more popular ‘alternative’ pets that people are curious about owning. Most will find that buying and caring for a fennec fox is completely feasible in states where they are legal, but doing so is not without its downsides.

     Fennec Foxes are social and mate for life, with each pair (or family) controlling their own territory. Sexual maturity is reached at around nine months old. In the wild, mating usually occurs between January and February for litters born between March and April. However, in captivity, most litters are born later, between March and July, although births can occur year-round. The species usually breeds only once each year.

    we also have available Exotic kittens for sale such as; American Bobtail cat for sale | American Curl for sale | Bengal Kittens for Sale | Bobcats kittens For Sale | British Shorthair cat for sale | Buy Asian Small Clawed Otters | Chausie cat for sale | Fennec Fox For Sale | Khao Manee for sale | Maine Coon cat for sale | Norwegian Forest Cat for sale | Ragamuffin cat for sale | Ragdoll Cat for sale | Savannah Cat for Sale | Siberian cat for sale | Sphynx Kitten For Sale | Turkish Van cat for sale American Bobtail kittens should eat a kitten food for their first year of life to aid in their growth and development.

    The fennec fox (Vulpes zerda) is a small crepuscular fox native to the Sahara Desert and the Sinai Peninsula. Its most distinctive feature is its unusually large ears, which serve to dissipate heat. The fennec is the smallest canid species. Its coat, ears, and kidney functions have adapted to the desert environment with high temperatures and little water.

    Also, its hearing is sensitive to hear prey moving underground. It mainly eats insects, small mammals, and birds. The fennec has a life span of up to 14 years in captivity and about 10 years in the wild. Fennec Fox For Sale, Buy Fennec Fox, Fennec Fox for sale online.

     The allure of owning a fennec fox as a pet is understandable. These Chihuahua-sized canids are distinctive in their appearance as well as being a true fox species that is smaller than the iconic red and grey foxes that are native to North America. Foxes are likely one of the more popular ‘alternative’ pets that people are curious about owning. Most will find that buying and caring for a fennec fox is completely feasible in states where they are legal, but doing so is not without its downsides.

    The fennec fox (Vulpes zerda) is a small crepuscular fox native to the Sahara Desert and the Sinai Peninsula. Its most distinctive feature is its unusually large ears, which serve to dissipate heat. The fennec is the smallest canid species. Its coat, ears, and kidney functions have adapted to the desert environment with high temperatures and little water.

    Also, its hearing is sensitive to hear prey moving underground. It mainly eats insects, small mammals, and birds. The fennec has a life span of up to 14 years in captivity and about 10 years in the wild. Buy Fennec Fox

     The allure of owning a fennec fox as a pet is understandable. These Chihuahua-sized canids are distinctive in their appearance as well as being a true fox species that is smaller than the iconic red and grey foxes that are native to North America. Foxes are likely one of the more popular ‘alternative’ pets that people are curious about owning. Most will find that buying and caring for a fennec fox is completely feasible in states where they are legal, but doing so is not without its downsides.

     Fennec Foxes are social and mate for life, with each pair (or family) controlling their own territory. Sexual maturity is reached at around nine months old. In the wild, mating usually occurs between January and February for litters born between March and April. However, in captivity, most litters are born later, between March and July, although births can occur year-round. The species usually breeds only once each year.

    we also have available Exotic kittens for sale such as; American Bobtail cat for sale | American Curl for sale | Bengal Kittens for Sale | Bobcats kittens For Sale | British Shorthair cat for sale | Buy Asian Small Clawed Otters | Chausie cat for sale | Fennec Fox For Sale | Khao Manee for sale | Maine Coon cat for sale | Norwegian Forest Cat for sale | Ragamuffin cat for sale | Ragdoll Cat for sale | Savannah Cat for Sale | Siberian cat for sale | Sphynx Kitten For Sale | Turkish Van cat for sale American Bobtail kittens should eat a kitten food for their first year of life to aid in their growth and development.

    The fennec fox (Vulpes zerda) is a small crepuscular fox native to the Sahara Desert and the Sinai Peninsula. Its most distinctive feature is its unusually large ears, which serve to dissipate heat. The fennec is the smallest canid species. Its coat, ears, and kidney functions have adapted to the desert environment with high temperatures and little water.

    Also, its hearing is sensitive to hear prey moving underground. It mainly eats insects, small mammals, and birds. The fennec has a life span of up to 14 years in captivity and about 10 years in the wild. Fennec Fox For Sale, Buy Fennec Fox, Fennec Fox for sale online.

     The allure of owning a fennec fox as a pet is understandable. These Chihuahua-sized canids are distinctive in their appearance as well as being a true fox species that is smaller than the iconic red and grey foxes that are native to North America. Foxes are likely one of the more popular ‘alternative’ pets that people are curious about owning. Most will find that buying and caring for a fennec fox is completely feasible in states where they are legal, but doing so is not without its downsides.

    Fennec Fox For Sale


    Bushbaby In Depth Pet Care – bush baby pet for sale Bushbaby Basics Average Lifespan: Up to 25 Years. Diet: Fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as a healthy quantity of protein, are required everyday in captivity. Eggs, protein biscuits, fruit, and vitamins make up the majority of our diet. Daily treats like as graham crackers, fig Newtons, raisins, or dates can be offered. Baby Diet: Babies suckle from their mothers or are fed simulation milk, similar to human baby formula, if they are hand-reared. This aids in human connection and later life management. Size at Adulthood: Approximately the size of a small rabbit, weighing 1-4 pounds. Minimum Cage size: Large parrot cages are preferable; I prefer twin macaw cages with multiple nest boxes and hammocks for sleeping and climbing. Caring for a Bushbaby in Captivity



    Bushbaby In Depth Pet Care – bush baby monkey for sale Bushbaby Basics Average Lifespan: Up to 25 Years. Diet: Fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as a healthy quantity of protein, are required everyday in captivity. Eggs, protein biscuits, fruit, and vitamins make up the majority of our diet. Daily treats like as graham crackers, fig Newtons, raisins, or dates can be offered. Baby Diet: Babies suckle from their mothers or are fed simulation milk, similar to human baby formula, if they are hand-reared. This aids in human connection and later life management. Size at Adulthood: Approximately the size of a small rabbit, weighing 1-4 pounds. Minimum Cage size: Large parrot cages are preferable; I prefer twin macaw cages with multiple nest boxes and hammocks for sleeping and climbing. Caring for a Bushbaby in Captivity


Showing 16 of 28 items