17–32 of 38 Results

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    Baby Misol Green Tree Python

    Baby Misol Green Tree Python

    Here is an image of a baby Misol Green Tree Python.

    Baby Misol Green Tree Pythons are typically 12-15 inches long when they hatch, and they have a bright yellow or orange coloration with black markings. As they mature, their coloration will become more green, and they will develop a black net pattern along their back. sorong green tree python

    Misol Green Tree Pythons are relatively easy to care for, but they do require a high level of humidity. They should be housed in a terrarium that is at least 20 gallons in size, and the humidity level should be kept at 70-80%. Baby Misol Green Tree Pythons should be fed live or frozen-thawed mice that are about the same size as the snake's head.

    They are known for their docile temperament, and they make good pets for experienced snake owners. However, they can be nippy when they are young, so it is important to handle them gently.

    Here are some tips for caring for a baby Misol Green Tree Python:

    • Provide a secure enclosure with a warm side and a cool side.
    • Use a substrate that is easy to clean, such as aspen shavings or paper towels.
    • Provide a water bowl that is large enough for the snake to soak in.
    • Offer food that is the same size as the snake's head.
    • Handle the snake gently and regularly.

    With proper care, a baby Misol Green Tree Python can live for 20-30 years.

    Baby Misol Green Tree Python

    Baby Misol Green Tree Python

    Original price was: £800.00.Current price is: £749.99.
    Original price was: £800.00.Current price is: £749.99. Add to cart Quick View
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    Baby Pastel Lesser Blade Clown

    Baby Pastel Lesser Blade Clown

    Here is some information about Baby Pastel Lesser Blade Clown Ball Python:

    • Baby Pastel Lesser Blade Clown Ball Python is a morph that combines the pastel, lesser, and blade genes.

    Baby Pastel Lesser Blade Clown Ball Python

    • The pastel gene lightens the base color of the snake, while the lesser gene enhances the black markings.
    • The blade gene creates a "blade" pattern on the snake's back.
    • Baby Pastel Lesser Blade Clown Ball Pythons are typically creamy white with black and yellow markings.
    • They can also have orange or red accents.
    • These snakes are medium-sized, reaching an average length of 3-5 feet.
    • They have a lifespan of around 20-30 years in captivity.
    • Baby Pastel Lesser Blade Clown Ball Pythons are relatively rare and can be quite expensive.
    • However, they are a popular choice for reptile enthusiasts due to their stunning coloration and patterns.

    The pastel, lesser, and blade genes are all dominant genes. pastel python for sale, This means that a snake only needs to have one copy of each gene to exhibit the corresponding trait.

    Baby Pastel Lesser Blade Clown Ball Pythons are relatively easy to care for, but they do require a warm and humid environment. They should also be fed a diet of live mice or rats.

    If you are interested in owning a Baby Pastel Lesser Blade Clown Ball Python, you should do your research to find a reputable breeder. These snakes require specialized care, so it is important to be prepared before you bring one home.

    • Python regius
    • Captive Bred
    • Female
    • Approximately 19 Inches In Length 
    • Roughly 84 Grams And Growing 
    • These Snakes Are Brilliantly Colored With Gold’s, Browns, And Black Patterns From Head To Tail
    • Feeding On Live Hopper Mice Weekly

    Baby Pastel Lesser Blade Clown

    Original price was: £1,600.00.Current price is: £1,499.99.
    Original price was: £1,600.00.Current price is: £1,499.99. Add to cart Quick View
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    Baby Spinner Blast Scaleless Head Ball Python

    Baby Spinner Blast Scaleless

    here is some information about Baby Spinnerblast Scaleless Head Ball Python:

    • Baby Spinnerblast Scaleless Head Ball Pythons are a rare and beautiful morph of Ball Python.

    Baby Spinnerblast Scaleless Head Ball Python snake

    • They are characterized by their creamy white base color, black markings, and scaleless head.
    • These snakes are typically medium-sized, reaching an average length of 3-5 feet.
    • They have a lifespan of around 20-30 years in captivity.
    • Baby Spinnerblast Scaleless Head Ball Pythons are relatively rare and can be quite expensive.
    • However, they are a popular choice for reptile enthusiasts due to their stunning coloration and patterns.
    • Baby Spinner Blast Scaleless

    The scaleless head gene is a recessive gene that can occur naturally in Ball Pythons. It causes the scales on the head of the snake to be missing or reduced in size. This can give the snake a unique and striking appearance.

    Baby Spinnerblast Scaleless Head Ball Pythons are typically born with a few scales on their head. As they grow, the scales on their head will gradually fall off. By the time they reach adulthood, they will have a completely scaleless head.

    These snakes are relatively easy to care for, but they do require a warm and humid environment. They should also be fed a diet of live mice or rats. python clutch ball

    If you are interested in owning a Baby Spinnerblast Scaleless Head Ball Python, you should do your research to find a reputable breeder. These snakes require specialized care, so it is important to be prepared before you bring one home.

    Baby Spinnerblast Scaleless Head Ball Python

    Original price was: £700.00.Current price is: £649.99.
    Original price was: £700.00.Current price is: £649.99. Add to cart Quick View
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    Baby Sumatran Blood Python

    Baby Sumatran Blood Python
    • Baby Sumatran Blood Pythons are typically 12-15 inches long and have a bright red coloration with black markings. They have a short tail and a gray head. As they mature, their coloration will become darker and more complex. baby blood python for sale

      Baby Sumatran Blood Python snake

      Baby Sumatran Blood Pythons are relatively easy to care for. They should be housed in a terrarium that is at least 20 gallons in size. The terrarium should be kept at a temperature of 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit and a humidity level of 50-70%. Baby Sumatran Blood Pythons should be fed live or frozen-thawed mice that are about the same size as the snake's head. sumatran blood python for sale

      Baby Sumatran Blood Pythons are typically docile and make good pets for experienced snake owners. However, they can be nippy when they are young, so it is important to handle them gently.

      Here are some tips for caring for a baby Sumatran Blood Python:

      • Provide a secure enclosure with a warm side and a cool side.
      • Use a substrate that is easy to clean, such as aspen shavings or paper towels.
      • Provide a water bowl that is large enough for the snake to soak in.
      • Offer food that is the same size as the snake's head.
      • Handle the snake gently and regularly.

      With proper care, a baby Sumatran Blood Python can live for 20-30 years.

    Baby Sumatran Blood Python

    Original price was: £499.00.Current price is: £349.99.
    Original price was: £499.00.Current price is: £349.99. Add to cart Quick View
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    Baby Sumatran Short Tail Python

    Baby Sumatran Short Tail Python

    here is an image of a baby Sumatran Short Tail Python:

    Baby Sumatran Short Tail Python

    Baby Sumatran Short Tail Pythons are typically 12-15 inches long and have a bright red coloration with black markings. They have a short tail and a gray head. As they mature, their coloration will become darker and more complex.

    Baby Sumatran Short Tail Pythons are relatively easy to care for. They should be housed in a terrarium that is at least 20 gallons in size. The terrarium should be kept at a temperature of 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit and a humidity level of 50-70%. Baby Sumatran Short Tail Pythons should be fed live or frozen-thawed mice that are about the same size as the snake's head.

    Baby Sumatran Short Tail Pythons are typically docile and make good pets for experienced snake owners. However, they can be nippy when they are young, so it is important to handle them gently. borneo short tail python size

    Here are some tips for caring for a baby Sumatran Short Tail Python:

    • Provide a secure enclosure with a warm side and a cool side.
    • Use a substrate that is easy to clean, such as aspen shavings or paper towels.
    • Provide a water bowl that is large enough for the snake to soak in.
    • Offer food that is the same size as the snake's head.
    • Handle the snake gently and regularly.

    With proper care, a baby Sumatran Short Tail Python can live for 20-30 years.

    It's important to research thoroughly and ensure you have accurate information before acquiring any snake, especially if it's a unique or less common morph. Responsible ownership requires a solid understanding of the specific care needs and requirements of the snake in question. Always prioritize the well-being of the animal by providing proper husbandry and a suitable habitat. short-tailed python temperament

    Baby Sumatran Short Tail Python

    Original price was: £250.00.Current price is: £199.99.
    Original price was: £250.00.Current price is: £199.99. Add to cart Quick View
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    Baby Suriname Redtail Boa

    Here are some information about the Baby Suriname Redtail Boa:

    Baby Suriname Redtail Boa snake

    • Suriname Redtail Boa: This morph is characterized by its bright red tail and black body with yellow or orange markings.
    • Baby: Baby Suriname Redtail Boas are typically 18-24 inches long and weigh 1-2 pounds. They are relatively docile snakes and make good pets for experienced snake owners.

    They are relatively easy to care for, but they do require specific environmental conditions to thrive. They should be housed in a terrarium that is at least 4 feet long and 2 feet wide, with plenty of hiding places and climbing opportunities. The temperature in the terrarium should be kept between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, and the humidity should be kept between 70 and 80%.

    They are carnivores and their diet consists of live prey, such as mice, rats, and rabbits. They should be fed once a week, and the prey should be the same size as the snake's widest point.

    Baby Suriname Redtail Boas are relatively long-lived snakes, with some individuals living for over 30 years. If you are considering getting a Baby Suriname Redtail Boa, be sure to do your research to make sure that you are prepared to provide the proper care.

    Here are some of the things to keep in mind when caring for a baby Suriname Redtail Boa:

    • Temperature: The temperature in the terrarium should be kept between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. You can use a heat lamp or heat mat to maintain the proper temperature.
    • Humidity: The humidity in the terrarium should be kept between 70 and 80%. You can increase the humidity by misting the terrarium with water or placing a water bowl in the terrarium.
    • Substrate: The substrate in the terrarium should be something that the snake can burrow in, such as aspen shavings or coconut fiber.
    • Hiding places: The terrarium should have plenty of hiding places for the snake to feel secure. You can use cork bark, rocks, or plants to create hiding places.
    • Feeding: Baby Suriname Redtail Boas should be fed once a week. The prey should be the same size as the snake's widest point. You can feed them live or frozen-thawed prey.

    With proper care, baby Suriname Redtail Boas can make wonderful pets. They are relatively docile and easy to care for. However, they are still snakes and should be handled with care.

    Baby Suriname Redtail Boa

    Original price was: £450.00.Current price is: £399.99.
    Original price was: £450.00.Current price is: £399.99. Add to cart Quick View
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    Bamboo GHI Pinstripe Ball Python

    Bamboo GHI Pinstripe

    here is some information about the Bamboo GHI Pinstripe Ball Python:

    Bamboo GHI Pinstripe Ball Python

    • Bamboo GHI Pinstripe Ball Python is a morph of Ball Python that combines the Bamboo, GHI, and Pinstripe genes.
    • The Bamboo gene gives the snake a distinctive bamboo-like pattern, while the GHI gene lightens the base color and enhances the markings.
    • The Pinstripe gene creates a thin, black stripe down the center of the snake's back.
    • Bamboo GHI Pinstripe Ball Pythons are typically creamy white with black and yellow markings.
    • They can also have orange or red accents.
    • These snakes are medium-sized, reaching an average length of 3-5 feet.
    • They have a lifespan of around 20-30 years in captivity.
    • Bamboo GHI Pinstripe Ball Pythons are relatively rare and can be quite expensive.
    • However, they are a popular choice for reptile enthusiasts due to their stunning coloration and patterns.

    The Bamboo, GHI, and Pinstripe genes are all dominant genes. This means that a snake only needs to have one copy of each gene to exhibit the corresponding trait.

    The "GHI" in the name of this morph stands for "Genetically High Yellow." This means that the snake has a mutation that causes it to produce more yellow pigment than a normal Buy Ball Python. het clown ch x

    Bamboo GHI Pinstripe Ball Pythons are relatively easy to care for, but they do require a warm and humid environment. They should also be fed a diet of live mice or rats.

    If you are interested in owning a Bamboo GHI Pinstripe Ball Python, you should do your research to find a reputable breeder. These snakes require specialized care, so it is important to be prepared before you bring one home.

    Bamboo GHI Pinstripe Ball Python

    Original price was: £1,200.00.Current price is: £999.99.
    Original price was: £1,200.00.Current price is: £999.99. Add to cart Quick View
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    Black Devil Boa for sale

    here is some information about the Black Devil Boa:

    The Black Devil Boa is a morph of the Boa Constrictor Imperator. It is a relatively new morph, first being bred in the early 2000s. Black Devil Boas are characterized by their black or dark brown coloration with iridescent scales that create a rainbow-like effect. They also have bright red eyes.

    Black Devil Boa snake

    Black Devil Boas are typically medium-sized snakes, with adults reaching lengths of 4-6 feet. They are docile snakes and make good pets for experienced snake owners.

    Black Devil Boas are native to the rainforests of South America, particularly in Brazil and Peru. In the wild, they prefer humid environments and spend much of their time in trees. They are nocturnal, which means they are most active at night.

    Black Devil Boas are relatively easy to care for, but they do require specific environmental conditions to thrive. They should be housed in a terrarium that is at least 4 feet long and 2 feet wide, with plenty of hiding places and climbing opportunities. The temperature in the terrarium should be kept between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, and the humidity should be kept between 70 and 80%.

    Black Devil Boas are carnivores and their diet consists of live prey, such as mice, rats, and rabbits. They should be fed once a week, and the prey should be the same size as the snake's widest point.

    Black Devil Boas are relatively long-lived snakes, with some individuals living for over 30 years. If you are considering getting a Black Devil Boa, be sure to do your research to make sure that you are prepared to provide the proper care.

    Although reasonably simple to maintain, Black Devil Boas for Sale do need particular environmental conditions to flourish. They need to be kept in a terrarium with lots of hiding spots and climbing options that is at least 4 feet long and 2 feet broad. The terrarium's temperature should be maintained between 68 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit at night and between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. They need a humidity level of between 60 and 80 percent, which may be kept by spraying the enclosure every day.

    Black Devil Boa for sale

    Original price was: £949.99.Current price is: £899.99.
    Original price was: £949.99.Current price is: £899.99. Add to cart Quick View
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    Brazilian Rainbow Boa

    here is some information about the Brazilian rainbow boa:

    The Brazilian rainbow boa (Epicrates cenchria cenchria) is a medium-sized boa species endemic to Central and South America. It is known for its attractive iridescent/holographic sheen caused by structural coloration. Five subspecies are currently recognized, including the nominate subspecies described here.

    Brazilian Rainbow Boa snake

    Adults typically reach lengths of 4-6 feet, with females being slightly larger than males. They have a brown or reddish brown body with three parallel black stripes on the top of the head and large black rings down the back that give the appearance of dorsal blotches. The round lateral blotches are black with an orange or reddish crescent across the top. Brazilian rainbow boa for sale

    Brazilian rainbow boas are nocturnal and spend most of their time in trees. They are semi-arboreal snakes and are excellent climbers. They are also good swimmers and will often take dips in water.

    Brazilian rainbow boas are carnivores and their diet consists of small mammals, birds, and lizards. They are constrictors and will kill their prey by wrapping their bodies around it and squeezing until it suffocates.

    Brazilian rainbow boas are not considered to be aggressive snakes, but they can be shy and skittish. They are not the best snakes for beginners, but they can make good pets for experienced snake owners.

    If you are considering getting a Brazilian rainbow boa, be sure to do your research to make sure that you are prepared to provide the proper care. They require a large enclosure, a heat lamp, and a humid environment. They also need to be fed live prey, which can be a challenge.

    However, if you are willing to put in the time and effort, Brazilian rainbow boas can make fascinating and rewarding pets.

    Brazilian Rainbow Boa

    Original price was: £649.99.Current price is: £549.99.
    Original price was: £649.99.Current price is: £549.99. Add to cart Quick View
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    Bumblebee Disco Hypo Leopard Ball Python

    Bumblebee Disco Hypo

    A Bumblebee Disco Hypo Leopard Ball Python is a morph of Ball Python that combines the bumblebee, disco, hypo, and leopard genes.

    Bumblebee Disco Hypo Leopard Ball Python snake

    • The bumblebee gene creates a black and yellow banding pattern on the snake's body.
    • The disco gene creates a iridescent sheen on the snake's scales.
    • The hypo gene lightens the base color of the snake.
    • The leopard gene creates a leopard-like pattern on the snake's body.

     Leopard Ball Pythons are typically creamy white with black and yellow banding. They can also have orange or red accents.

    These snakes are medium-sized, reaching an average length of 3-5 feet.

    They have a lifespan of around 20-30 years in captivity.

    Bumblebee Disco Hypo Leopard Ball Pythons are relatively rare and can be quite expensive.

    However, they are a popular choice for reptile enthusiasts due to their stunning coloration and patterns.

    Here are some of the characteristics of a Bumblebee Disco Hypo Leopard Ball Python:

    • Base color: Creamy white
    • Pattern: Black and yellow banding, iridescent sheen, leopard-like pattern
    • Size: 3-5 feet
    • Lifespan: 20-30 years
    • Rarity: Rare
    • Cost: Expensive

    If you are interested in owning a Bumblebee Disco Hypo Leopard Ball Python, you should do your research to find a reputable breeder. These snakes require specialized care, so it is important to be prepared before you bring one home.

    • Python regius
    • Captive Bred
    • Male
    • Approximately 21 Inches In Length 
    • Roughly 194 Grams And Growing 
    • Feeding On Live Hopper Mice Weekly
    • Ball Pythons Are Native To Central And Western Africa And Thrive In These Warm, Tropical Areas
    • With Proper Care And Setup These Snakes Can Live 20 – 30 Years In Captivity
    • Great For A First Time Keeper As Well As An Experienced Breeder

    When Hatching Out Of The Egg They Can Be As Small As 10 Inches And Grow To Be 5 Feet

    Bumblebee Disco Hypo Leopard Ball Python

    Original price was: £650.00.Current price is: £599.99.
    Original price was: £650.00.Current price is: £599.99. Add to cart Quick View
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    Buy Aru Green Tree Python

    Buy Aru Green Tree Python

    here is an image of Aru Green Tree Python:

    The Aru green tree python (Morelia aruensis) is a subspecies of green tree python found on the Aru Islands of Indonesia. It is a medium-sized snake, typically growing to be 3-4 feet long. The Aru green tree python has a bright green coloration with black markings. As it matures, its coloration will become more intense, and it will develop a black net pattern along its back. high blue green tree python for sale

    Aru green tree pythons are relatively easy to care for, but they do require a high level of humidity. They should be housed in a terrarium that is at least 40 gallons in size, and the humidity level should be kept at 70-80%. Baby Aru green tree pythons should be fed live or frozen-thawed mice that are about the same size as the snake's head.

    Aru green tree pythons are known for their docile temperament, and they make good pets for experienced snake owners. However, they can be nippy when they are young, so it is important to handle them gently. green tree python for sale craigslist

    Here are some tips for caring for an Aru green tree python:

    • Provide a secure enclosure with a warm side and a cool side.
    • Use a substrate that is easy to clean, such as aspen shavings or paper towels.
    • Provide a water bowl that is large enough for the snake to soak in.
    • Offer food that is the same size as the snake's head.
    • Handle the snake gently and regularly.

    With proper care, an Aru green tree python can live for 20-30 years.

    Buy Aru Green Tree Python

    Buy Aru Green Tree Python

    Original price was: £950.00.Current price is: £859.99.
    Original price was: £950.00.Current price is: £859.99. Add to cart Quick View
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    Buy Sorong Green Tree Python

    Buy Sorong Green Tree Python

    Here is an image of Sorong Green Tree Python:

    The Sorong green tree python is a beautiful and rare species of snake found in the West Papua region of Indonesia. They are typically 3-4 feet long when fully grown, and they have a bright green coloration with blue markings. As they mature, their coloration will become more intense, and they will develop a black net pattern along their back.

    Sorong green tree pythons are relatively easy to care for, but they do require a high level of humidity. They should be housed in a terrarium that is at least 40 gallons in size, and the humidity level should be kept at 70-80%. Baby Sorong green tree pythons should be fed live or frozen-thawed mice that are about the same size as the snake's head. aru green tree python

    Sorong green tree pythons are known for their docile temperament, and they make good pets for experienced snake owners. However, they can be nippy when they are young, so it is important to handle them gently. jayapura green tree python

    Here are some tips for caring for a Sorong green tree python:

    • Provide a secure enclosure with a warm side and a cool side.
    • Use a substrate that is easy to clean, such as aspen shavings or paper towels.
    • Provide a water bowl that is large enough for the snake to soak in.
    • Offer food that is the same size as the snake's head.
    • Handle the snake gently and regularly.

    With proper care, a Sorong green tree python can live for 20-30 years.

    Buy Sorong Green Tree Python

    Original price was: £650.00.Current price is: £599.99.
    Original price was: £650.00.Current price is: £599.99. Add to cart Quick View
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    Buy Suriname Redtail Boa

    The Baby Suriname Redtail Boa is described as follows:

    Baby Suriname Redtail Boa snake

    • Suriname Redtail Boa: This morph is characterized by its bright red tail and black body with yellow or orange markings.
    • Baby: Baby Suriname Redtail Boas are typically 18-24 inches long and weigh 1-2 pounds. They are relatively docile snakes and make good pets for experienced snake owners.

    Although they are rather simple to care for, they do need particular environmental elements in order to flourish. They need to be kept in a terrarium with lots of hiding spots and climbing options that is at least 4 feet long and 2 feet broad. The terrarium's temperature and humidity levels should be maintained at 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit and 70 to 80%, respectively.

    Since they are carnivores, they eat live animals like mice, rats, and rabbits. The prey should be the same size as the snake's widest point and fed to them once a week.

    Some baby Suriname Redtail Boas live for over 30 years, making them relatively long-lived reptiles. If you're thinking of buying a Baby Suriname Redtail Boa, make sure you do your homework to make sure you're ready to provide it the care it needs.

    Here are some of the things to keep in mind when caring for a baby Suriname Redtail Boa:

    • Temperature: The temperature in the terrarium should be kept between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. You can use a heat lamp or heat mat to maintain the proper temperature.
    • Humidity: The humidity in the terrarium should be kept between 70 and 80%. You can increase the humidity by misting the terrarium with water or placing a water bowl in the terrarium.
    • Substrate: The substrate in the terrarium should be something that the snake can burrow in, such as aspen shavings or coconut fiber.
    • Hiding places: The terrarium should have plenty of hiding places for the snake to feel secure. You can use cork bark, rocks, or plants to create hiding places.
    • Feeding: Baby Suriname Redtail Boas should be fed once a week. The prey should be the same size as the snake's widest point. You can feed them live or frozen-thawed prey.

    With proper care, baby Suriname Redtail Boas can make wonderful pets. They are relatively docile and easy to care for. However, they are still snakes and should be handled with care.

    Buy Suriname Redtail Boa

    Original price was: £550.00.Current price is: £499.99.
    Original price was: £550.00.Current price is: £499.99. Add to cart Quick View
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    Fire Leopard Clown Het Pied Ball Python

    Fire Leopard Clown

    A Fire Leopard Clown Het Pied Ball Python is a beautiful morph that combines the leopard, clown, and pied genes. The base color of these snakes is creamy white, leopard clown ball python for sale, with black leopard-like spots covering their entire body.

    They also have a clown-like pattern of white and black on their head and neck. The pied gene causes some of the black pigment to be missing, creating a piebald appearance.

    Fire Leopard Clown Het Pied Ball Python

    Fire Leopard Clown Het Pied Ball Pythons are a medium-sized snake species, reaching an average length of 3-5 feet as adults. They have a lifespan of around 20-30 years with proper care.

    These snakes are relatively rare and can be quite expensive. However, they are a popular choice for reptile enthusiasts due to their stunning coloration and patterns.

    Here are some of the characteristics of a Fire Leopard Clown Het Pied Ball Python:

    • Base color: Creamy white

    • Pattern: Black leopard-like spots, clown-like pattern on head and neck, piebald appearance

    • Size: 3-5 feet

    • Lifespan: 20-30 years

    • Rarity: Rare

    • Cost: Expensive

    If you are interested in owning a Fire Leopard Clown Het Pied Ball Python, you should do your research to find a reputable breeder. These snakes require specialized care, so it is important to be prepared before you bring one home.

    Fire Leopard Clown Het Pied Ball Python

    Original price was: £999.99.Current price is: £849.99.
    Original price was: £999.99.Current price is: £849.99. Add to cart Quick View
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    High White Emerald Tree Boa

    High White Emerald Tree Boa

    here's some information about the High White Emerald Tree Boa:

    High White Emerald Tree Boa snake

    • Origin: The High White Emerald Tree Boa is a morph of the Emerald Tree Boa that was created by crossing two Emerald Tree Boas that were both heterozygous for the high white gene.
    • Color: The High White Emerald Tree Boa is a very striking snake with a bright green body and white stripes.
    • Size: The High White Emerald Tree Boa can grow to be 6-8 feet long.
    • Temperament: The High White Emerald Tree Boa is generally considered to be a docile snake, but it is important to handle them from a young age to socialize them. red emerald tree boa for sale
    • Care: The High White Emerald Tree Boa requires a warm and humid environment. They should be fed a diet of live rodents.
    • Lifespan: The High White Emerald Tree Boa can live for 20-30 years.

    The High White Emerald Tree Boa is a popular snake among both hobbyists and breeders. They are relatively easy to care for and make beautiful additions to any collection.

    Here are some of the potential benefits of owning a High White Emerald Tree Boa:

    • They are very striking snakes with beautiful coloration.
    • They are generally considered to be docile snakes.
    • They can live for 20-30 years.

    Here are some of the potential drawbacks of owning a High White Emerald Tree Boa:

    • They can be large snakes, reaching up to 8 feet in length.
    • They require a warm and humid environment.
    • They should be fed a diet of live rodents.

    Overall, the High White Emerald Tree Boa is a beautiful and rewarding snake to own. However, it is important to do your research before purchasing one to ensure that you are prepared to provide them with the proper care.

    High White Emerald Tree Boa

    Original price was: £650.00.Current price is: £599.99.
    Original price was: £650.00.Current price is: £599.99. Add to cart Quick View
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    Pastel Highway Ball Python

    here is some information about Pastel Highway Ball Pythons:

    • Pastel Highway Ball Pythons are a morph of Ball Python that combines the pastel and highway genes.

    Pastel Highway Ball Python snake

    • The pastel gene lightens the base color of the snake, while the highway gene creates a black "highway" pattern down the snake's back.
    • Pastel Highway Ball Pythons are typically creamy white with black markings.

    • They can also have yellow or orange accents.

    • Pastel Highway Ball Pythons are medium-sized snakes, reaching an average length of 3-5 feet.

    • They have a lifespan of around 20-30 years in captivity.

    • Pastel Highway Ball Pythons are relatively rare and can be quite expensive.

    • However, they are a popular choice for reptile enthusiasts due to their stunning coloration and patterns.

    Here are some of the characteristics of a Pastel Highway Ball Python:

    • Base color: Creamy white

    • Pattern: Black highway markings, yellow or orange accents

    • Size: 3-5 feet

    • Lifespan: 20-30 years

    • Rarity: Rare

    • Cost: Expensive

    The following details pertain to Pastel Highway Ball Pythons:

    Ball Pythons that combine the pastel and highway genes are known as pastel highway Ball Pythons.

    Ball Python snake on Pastel Highway

    The highway gene produces a black "highway" pattern down the snake's back, while the pastel gene lightens the snake's base color. Ball Pythons from the Pastel Highway have black patterns on a creamy white background. baby female pastel highway ball They may also include highlights in yellow or orange. Ball pythons from the Pastel Highway are medium-sized snakes, growing to a maximum length of three to five feet. In captivity, they have a lifespan of about 20 to 30 years. Ball Pythons from the Pastel Highway are relatively uncommon and can cost a lot of money. However, because of their gorgeous colour and patterns, they are a well-liked option among reptile aficionados.

    Pastel Highway Ball Python

    Original price was: £999.99.Current price is: £849.99.
    Original price was: £999.99.Current price is: £849.99. Add to cart Quick View
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